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G E N E R A L |NAME| Maxine Elizabeth Ramley |NICKNAMES| Max to almost everyone, rabbit to her brother. |SPECIES| Human |SUB-SPECIES| Witch |AGE| 15 |NATIONALITY| British |GENDER| Female |SEXUALITY| She's fifteen. Pretty sure she's only interested in boys. |HISTORY| Pending |
P H Y S I C A L |HEIGHT| 5'8 |WEIGHT| 132 lbs |BUILD| Graceful, slender, lithe. Many often think of the word 'delicate' when looking at her. |SKIN| Fair. That's not to say she can't tan, just that she spends most of her time indoors reading. |SCARS| None so far. |EYES| A grey blue, with grey being the dominant color |HEALTH| Relatively healthy. Could stand to do more physical activities. |
F A M I L I A L |PARENTS| Eleanor and Thomas Ramley |WEALTH| Substantial. Her family's name is well known in the wizarding world. |SIBLINGS| Keane Ramley - twin brother |CHILDREN| NOPE. |EDUCATION| Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry |OCCUPATION| Fifth year student. |
M E N T A L I T Y |QUIRKS| * When stressed or under pressure, Maxine tends to stammer and stumble over her words * Always counts her steps to and from classes. She usually looks lost in thought as a result, and will rarely engage in conversation. * Requires EVERYTHING to be neat and tidy. Any clothes wrinkles are obsessively smoothed out. Dirt and grime make her almost manic. * Afraid of Ghosts. Will go to great lengths to avoid walking near one at school * Is incredibly competitive * Is always at least ten minutes early to any meeting or appointment. |STABILITY| Maxine is sound and mentally stable, and takes great pride in the fact she has a 'good head on her shoulders'. |EXPRESSIVENESS| Not very expressive, unless exasperated or frustrated. In which case she's usually bold and direct as opposed to quiet and reclusive. |PRIORITIES| * Do well in school * Make sure Keane does well in school * Be a good example to first year students * Ensure Keane keeps out of trouble * Stay away from students openly associated with the Dark Arts * Ensure Keane keeps out of trouble. Again. |